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Sunday, 14 October 2018

Three kinds of people in the world - The Grateful, the Ungrateful and the Forgetful

These are the ones who have developed and constantly nourish an attitude of gratitude. They do not think anyone owes them anything hence, for whatever kindness they are show or good deed done to them by God or man or through man, they are sincerely grateful.
They are profuse in their expression of thanks and go even extra miles to show it. They are usually rewarded with wholeness and access to more kindness. Remember the story of the 10 Lepers.
If you are in this camp, keep at it. If you desire to be like this, start practicing, it can be learned, nurtured and sustained even by God's help.

They are those who withhold appreciation for whatever reasons. Some even think they worked hard for whatever was given them by grace. They are very prone to develop an entitlement mentality where they think others owe them kindness just because they are succeeding. They often try to use emotional blackmail to make others feel bad for themselves for doing the little they can.

Some show a little kindness and want your entire life in return. They hardly ever appreciate gratitude. They are quick to belittle whatever good is done them. They scorn at others who are profuse with thanksgiving, calling them favour seekers and all that. They are usually associated with pride and her cousin, bitterness.
Don't be in this camp, don't nurture any trait of it. They hardly ever end well and many times, they repel further good or kindness.
They are genuinely "grateful in their heart" but have forgotten to express it. They usually postpone appreciation till it's long forgotten and they just let it go - "next time" they may say. They are usually nice people but they falter here. When you remind them, they are almost always sorry and then appreciate but forget at another time.

The problem with this is that, they are sometimes grouped together with the ungrateful ones and it it robs them of the promotion that comes with gratitude. 
"Gratitude not expressed is the next door neighbour of ingratitude."

Develop and consciously train yourself to be a grateful person. Start by appreciating every kindness your are shown no matter how little or insignificant it may look. Say thank you with a smile not just in your heart. Teach your children and those in your care to do same.They will be better off for it.
A grateful heart is always given access to more. Success and promotion is close relative of gratitude. It's more about you than who you are thanking.
PS: I have a book on this coming soon..Comment if you want a copy when it is out.

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