Contrary to popular belief that you need lots of money to start a business, you don't always need a lot of money to start one. The primary aim of a business is meeting needs in exchange for money or some form of value.
The needs can be that of people, animals, plants and even the dead.
Yes the dead! - People pay for mortuary services and burial services. But that is another day's story.
There are commodities and services you can provide without initial capital. How is that possible you may ask? You can leverage on what you already know or have experienced, and so much more etc.
Here is a list of some things you can begin to consider and even read about to get more information in order to see what you can begin to do or plan to do to get that business started as soon as possible:
1. Help People shop for groceries and charge a little convenience fee.
2. Help people do their laundry right in their homes and charge a affordable fee. You can even add ironing services.
3. Start a tutoring service to kids or students. Find a subject you are good at or team up with someone and get started. Even if it is free, just get busy adding value. Money eventually follows value. Goodwill can also ensue from ventures like this.
4. Start a small cooking service for events. You can start with small events and grow big. You can cook or serve office events, compound, family, school, meetings, picnics, and even unto weddings, after-parties, awards dinners, etc.
5. Start an errand services business. You can run official errands for businesses, people and more and charge a delivery fee. It takes a lot of trust to do this, but you can start from those you know and who know you and build from there. The main idea here is, you are demonstrating that you can add value.
6. Write a book. You can start with an e-book. You can give tips and lessons from your experiences. You can choose a niche area to write about. This is not just to make money, but it can add value to lives and give you access to speaking in seminars and forums. You can build a personal brand around your knowledge and this can translate into a lucrative business.
7. Create a fun activity, demonstrate the fun in it and people could be glad to pay you to lead them through such activities. For example, Hiking, dancing for fitness, swimming, mountain climbing, cow milking, etc.
We will update you with more ...keep it locked at always.
Some people may think that these businesses are too low-class or "yeye" or degrading, maybe because they are graduates or feel they are bigger than this level.
Wait a minute, some of these businesses will not pay all your bills, or put "plenty" food on your table on the first day or week or month, but they can give you access to people and places you may never have been able to meet in a formal or office setting.
Additionally, some of these businesses will expose you to places you may never have been and opportunities you may never have heard about.
Just because you are engaged doing something of value, you are writing a potential business story that can even add colour and spice to your success story in future. Remember people love and buy into grass-to-grace stories.
Don't forget to share with someone.
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